Ellenton Family Practice Direct is proud to welcome another wonderful local company in our area. Mixons Fruit Farms has made the decision to join our Employer Direct Primary Care program. In this particular case, we are going to save the company and their employees a tremendous amount of $$’s in medical costs. Both the business and the employees benefit.

As always, we recommend that companies keep their catastrophic medical insurance plan that will take care of them if emergencies, surgeries, specialist care, specialized testing and laboratory work arise.

These catastrophic plans, with their high deductibles actually work great for the emergencies in life. But if you need to spend $ 6000 to meet the deductible before you can USE your medical insurance, how do you go to the doctor if you need to? That’s where a Direct Primary Care doctor comes in.

Call us, or better yet, come see us for an explanation of how we can help. We can also come to you, talk to the management and the employees and explain all the benefits of having a Direct Primary Care doctor 24/7.

Employers take note: Do you realize on average that 40% of your employees don’t even have a primary care doctor? And the average time to get in to see your doctor when you’re sick in this area is three weeks? That’s if you have one. An appointment with a new primary doctor can take up to six months to get in!

Ellenton Family Practice Direct can take care of 80-90% of a patient’s primary care needs, all of the things that you need your family doctor for. See our Services page for a short list of the many things that patients see us for every day.  We see Babies to Seniors, and everybody in between. Employers that join our Employer Direct Primary Care program can save a lot of money for their companies and their employees will be healthier and more productive.

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